omital created
3 Answer(s)
I generally use .cshtml instead of .html. But if you use .html, you should use client-side localization API described here: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Localization#DocInJavascript">http://www.aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/ ... Javascript</a> You have different options, you can create a angular filter or add a Localize method to your scope...
I use .chtml file generraly but for situation that we want view modal like this
var modalInstance = $modal.open({ animation: true, templateUrl: 'app/Main/views/factorForm/factorEditForm.html', controller: ctrlrIdEditFactor, size: 'lg', resolve: { item: function () { if (vm.factorForm.factorFormFactors == null) vm.factorForm.factorFormFactors = new Array(); if (vm.factorForm.factorFormFactors.indexOf(itm) == -1) return itm; else return angular.copy(itm); } } }
we cant use .chtml
OK, than you can use client side localization as I said before :)