Using Asp.NET MVC 5 project and wondering what the best practice is to eager load required children of a Repository.
Do we need to make a custom repository to GetAllIncluding(), or is there another way that will load specific required children all the time if available?
Thank you in advance!
3 Answer(s)
Are you referring to EF6 or EFCore?
You can use GetAllIncluding() if you know the navigation properties to load in in advance.
However if you are looking to build a query and load the relevant navigation properties conditionally, you can try Include () followed by ThenInclude() available from EF Core APIs
Using EF6
And yes, I've used the GetAllIncluding() which works great!
I'm wondering if it's possible to ensure eager loading of specific children always. Within the repository, or database configuration instead of within the app service or other layers.
@drblakl in that case, using the store pattern might be a better design. For example, AbpUserStore, AbpRoleStore and etc..
You can then customize the IQueryable similar to this <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/blob/dev/src/Abp.Zero/Authorization/Users/AbpUserStore.cs#L73">https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/as ... ore.cs#L73</a>