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Xamarin - A problem occurred trying to communicate to server #5583

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joe704la created

I am very new to Xamarin. I am trying to use the android emulator and debug the Droid project. But I am getting an error "A problem occurred while trying to communicate with the server. Call Failed. shutdown GET <a class="postlink" href=""></a>. If I browse my actual production API in the browser with this GET request works as expected and spits out the json in the window. Also the Angular app works consuming this API just fine.

Note this is only a test domain for this posts purposes.

Has anyone hit this issue before? I have tried just doing it to my localhost url and also to my production and both cause the same issue.

1 Answer(s)
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    alper created
    Support Team

    Do not start Web.Mvc or Web.Host project via Visual Studio. Default settings of Visual Studio does not allow external connections. For more info you can read External Network Access to Kestrel and IIS Express in ASP.NET Core

    Strongly recommended to read <a class="postlink" href=""> ... amarin-app</a> and <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ep-Xamarin</a>

    see #5464@e3453f9c-b92f-41cd-b764-afdbf9884f19