Hi! Im having problems with Rad Tool. I just tried to open it and an alert window pop ups with the message
"Could not load information of you ASP.net Zero Base Project. => Config file not found".
What can I do?
7 Answer(s)
does "aspnet-core\AspNetZeroRadTool\config.json" file exist in your project folder?
No, it doesnt. I tried uninstall and install again but it failed.
What is you project version?
Tool works with v5.0.0+ projects.
I was already using the Tool on this ASP.net Core + Angular project v5.6.2.
Then I create a new branch on my TFS, unmapped current folder and mapped the new branch and it start failing because I dont have that
I guess
So Im wondering what can I do now?
Copy "aspnet-core\AspNetZeroRadTool" folder to your project.
Hi! I dont have them anymore... Thats why I tried uninstall and re install but is useless.
Where can i get the files? aspnet-core\AspNetZeroRadTool\config.json
You can re-download your project from https://aspnetzero.com/Download, then copy "aspnet-core\AspNetZeroRadTool" folder.