buddhit created
Hi there
We are using RAD tool for our new app but when I use lookup table more than one app service (with different name space) we got this error when we run refresh.bat file to generate proxy service for front end.
Conflicting schemaIds: Identical schemaIds detected for types Abp.Application.Services.Dto.PagedResultDto1[[OpuzLite.OpuzTasks.Dtos.BuildingLookupTableDto, OpuzLite.Application.Shared, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] and Abp.Application.Services.Dto.PagedResultDto
1[OpuzLite.Facilities.Dtos.BuildingLookupTableDto]. See config settings - "CustomSchemaIds" for a workaround
I knew the problem is it generate same lookupTableDto in more than one place. How can we resolve this issue.
Regards Buddhi