I'm adding some tests for a global notification process. Basically I've registered an EntityCreatedEventData in the evenbus and every time a record is created a notification is published. All works ok while debugging the app. But now I want to lock this behaviour by adding some unit test that replicate this logic. However I couldn't figure out how to make this work. In the unit test below, a new notification is publised, current users is subscribed, Created Event is raised, but notificationSubscriptionManager returns always 0. Can you help me with this one?
public NotificationAppService_Tests()
_notificationAppService = Resolve<INotificationAppService>();
_userNotificationManager = Resolve<IUserNotificationManager>();
_notificationSubscriptionManager = Resolve<INotificationSubscriptionManager>();
_taskRepository = Resolve<IRepository<TaskEntity, long>>();
public async Task User_Receives_NewTaskCreated_Notification()
//Subscribe current user to NewTaskCreated
var user = await GetCurrentUserAsync();
await _notificationSubscriptionManager.SubscribeAsync(user.ToUserIdentifier(), AppNotificationNames.NewTaskCreated);
//Create a new task:
long taskId = 0;
Action action = () =>
using (var uow = Resolve<IUnitOfWorkManager>().Begin())
taskId = _taskRepository.InsertAndGetId(new TaskEntity
Name = "New task for subscribers!!",
CreatorUserId = AbpSession.UserId,
LastModifierUserId = AbpSession.UserId,
TenantId = AbpSession.TenantId,
Code = "01",
Description = "New task for subscribers!!",
OwnerUserId = AbpSession.UserId,
PermitId = 1, //Should be present in
var newTaskCreated = _taskRepository.FirstOrDefault(taskId);
//// Notify subscribers <== this happen in the EntityCreatedEventData once uow.Complerted()
//// await _appNotifier.NewTaskCreatedAsync(newTaskCreated);
var userSubscriptions = _notificationSubscriptionManager
//User should receive notification
var notifications = _userNotificationManager.GetUserNotifications(
.ShouldBeGreaterThan(0); // <== **FAILS HERE retrieves 0 notifications!!!**
var item = notifications.First();
2 Answer(s)
Distribution is enqueued as background job in NotificationPublisher.
You can subclass
and set JobPollPeriod to a very smallTimeSpan
. -
That's great.. But I prefer not to having to wait 5 seconds or 100ms.. I think it's just ok for now if I intercept that call. That should be sufficient to pass the test. Thanks
//Mock Background Job an intercept queue NotificationDistributionJobArgs calledNotification = null; var fakeBackgroundJobManager = Substitute.For<IBackgroundJobManager>(); fakeBackgroundJobManager.EnqueueAsync<NotificationDistributionJob, NotificationDistributionJobArgs>( Arg.Any<NotificationDistributionJobArgs>(), Arg.Any<BackgroundJobPriority>()).Returns(callInfo => { calledNotification = callInfo.Arg<NotificationDistributionJobArgs>(); return Task.CompletedTask; }); LocalIocManager.IocContainer.Register(Component.For<IBackgroundJobManager>().Instance(fakeBackgroundJobManager).IsDefault()); ... //Asserts calledNotification .ShouldNotBeNull(); //