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How to include related entity? #5752

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luqc1985 created
public class Form : FullAuditedEntity
public class FlowUnit : FullAuditedEntity
    public virtual long FormId { get; set; }

    public virtual FormUnit FlowForm { get; set; }


I have such two tables, there is a primary foreign key relationship, after the data is migrated, when using Repository.GetAsync query, flowUnit.FlowForm is null, I am using EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer, the previous EntityFramework version does not seem to Question, how can I make the flowUnit.FlowForm have a corresponding value?
Can anyone help me for this ? <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Thanks in advance for any advice given.</span>

4 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    aaron created
    Support Team
    var flowUnit = await flowUnitRepository.GetAll()
        .Include(fu => fu.FlowForm)
        .FirstAsync(fu => fu.Id == input.Id.Value);
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    luqc1985 created
    public class Form : FullAuditedEntity
        public virtual List FlowUnitList { get; set; }

    If I add a navigation property to the Form, FlowUnitList, how should the query be written to get the list?

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    aaron created
    Support Team
    var flowUnit = await flowUnitRepository.GetAll()
        .Include(fu => fu.FlowForm)
            .ThenInclude(ff => ff.FlowUnitList)
        .FirstAsync(fu => fu.Id == input.Id.Value);
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    luqc1985 created

    Thank you, I already understand the logic inside.