I just downloaded the 6.2.0 release, but I get a Web Compiler error when trying to build. Seems like in the compilerconfig.json there is a reference to the following files which are missing ?
wwwroot/Common/Styles/Themes/default/metronic-customize-top-menu.less wwwroot/Common/Styles/Themes/blue/metronic-customize-top-menu.less wwwroot/Common/Styles/Themes/green/metronic-customize-top-menu.less wwwroot/Common/Styles/Themes/pink/metronic-customize-top-menu.less wwwroot/Common/Styles/Themes/yellow/metronic-customize-top-menu.less
There is however a common one (wwwroot/Common/Styles/metronic-customize-top-menu.less) ? Are the files missing or is the compilerconfig.json wrong ?
Sames goes for these entries in the json file wwwroot/view-resources/Areas/App/Views/Layout/default/_Layout.less wwwroot/view-resources/Areas/App/Views/Layout/demo8/_Layout.less
The subfolders do not exist ?
Geert Veenstra
4 Answer(s)
I don't know if this is helpful or not, but I am not experiencing any issues with compiling or executing. Downloaded as ASP.NET CORE & Angular, Single Solution UNCHECKED, .NET Core 2.1. Built solution and executed x.Web.Host. 'yarn' and 'npm start' in 'angular' folder. No observable issues.
i am having the issue with the CORE & jQuery download, tried several times.
Hi @geertveenstra
Thank you for your report. Yes, those less files should be removed from compilerconfig.json file.
I have created an issue, you can follow it https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/issues/1845
Fixed in the related issue.