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RAD Tool Templates #5850

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361apps created

Is there any documenation about how to write, change and use Template Files with RAD tool?

5 Answer(s)
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    aaron created
    Support Team

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    TimMackey created

    The documentation is inadequate.

    What is the relationship between selections in the GUI generator dialog to the templates? What do selections in the GUI generator dialog do? How is output affected? What values are substituted for tags in the templates? Where is the description and explanation for all tags? How are MainTemplate, PartialTemplates, and TemplatInfo used?

    The present method of Trial-and-Error is a HUGE waste of the community's collective time.

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    yekalkan created

    Hi @timmackey,

    What is the relationship between selections in the GUI generator dialog to the templates?

    GUI is just an easy way to create an input file for rad tool. See mac documentation to figure out the input file.

    What do selections in the GUI generator dialog do? How is output affected?

    We think most of the input/combobox/checkbox in GUI is simple enough. If you see anything not obvious, share your experience with us. We'll make it more clear.

    What values are substituted for tags in the templates? Where is the description and explanation for all tags? How are MainTemplate, PartialTemplates, and TemplatInfo used?

    MainTemplate and TemplateInfo files are simple enough, PartialTemplates file is a little complicated. It holds template-specific placeholders that is used in main template. We think that current documentation is a little weak but enough unless you create many templates from scratch.

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    TimMackey created

    GUI Generator:

    User Interface:

    • how do each of the selections affect the generated code?
    • what is the difference between "User Interface" and "View Only Modal"?
    • how does unselecting all checkboxes affect the output?


    • does "Add migration" create a migration in <MYPROJ>.EntityFrameWork project?
    • does "Update Database" run 'Update-Database' in the Package Manager Console?
    • what happens if no selection is made?

    Multi Tenancy:

    • how is the output affected for Host and Tenant selections?
    • what happens (or doesn't happen) if no selection is made?
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    yekalkan created

    what is the difference between "User Interface" and "View Only Modal"?

    View only modal is used for displaying a record in ui. It is needed when the datatable has too many column to display in a row. Button to open it, is placed in the actions dropdown of each row in datatable.

    does "Add migration" create a migration in .EntityFrameWork project?


    does "Update Database" run 'Update-Database' in the Package Manager Console?


    what happens if no selection is made?


    how is the output affected for Host and Tenant selections?

    Based on your selections, new entity will be available for host, tenant or both. See multi-tenancy documentation.

    what happens (or doesn't happen) if no selection is made?

    Gui doesn't allow that.