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How to create Documentation Pages #6079

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TimMackey created

I like the layout and operation of ASP.NET Zero and ASP.NET Boilerplate documentation pages, with page selection column on the left, and section within the page selection column on the right. I'd like to use the same layout for documenting my app. Is this based on a package I can obtain from a vendor or community? Better still, can you incorportate a few sample web pages into the ASP.NET Zero app in a future release?

6 Answer(s)
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    maliming created
    Support Team

    This is an open source: However, this is based on the Abp vNEXT framework. Of course the UI is generic.

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    TimMackey created

    You say "However, this is based on the Abp vNEXT framework." What's the catch? I do understand the vNext isn't yet officially released, but that's not a sufficient barrier for creating documentation pages. Unless it really isn't production ready.

    Can I use the npm package in the current release of AspNetZero? Is it recommended I use the npm package as a separate solution, independent of my AspNetZero solution? Should I wait until AspNetZero integrates Abp vNEXT framework? And if so, what is the planned release date? It would be helpful if you could identify some possible paths for implementation. Thank you.

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @timmackey

    ABP vNext is not yet production ready but the documentation module can be used in production. We took the risk to use it on our product's documentation. If you want to give it a try and face any problems, we will be fixing it in a short time.

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    TimMackey created

    I'm trying to identify a path for implementation. Could you please answer my questions? Thank you.

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    Can I use the npm package in the current release of AspNetZero? No.

    Is it recommended I use the npm package as a separate solution, independent of my AspNetZero solution? It is recommended to create a new solution using ABP VNexts documentation module.

    Should I wait until AspNetZero integrates Abp vNEXT framework? We don't know if it is going to happen at all.

    And if so, what is the planned release date? There is no planned date yet.

    If you mean any other question, please ask it again and I will try to answer.

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    TimMackey created

    Thank you for the clarification.