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Tenant does not change on login screen #6118

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cyklussoftware created

I am running ASP.NET Core + Angular v6.3.1. The Angular and Host projects are running in Docker containers behind an Nginx proxy.

I can log in as the Host just fine with no errors in the Google Chrome console. When I try to change to the Default tenant, I can click "Save", the dialog disappears, and the page refreshes, but the tenant doesn't change. I am still the Host. There are no errors in the Google Chrome console when I try to change tenants.

I get a message saying "There is no tenant defined with name asdf" if I try to log in with an invalid tenant called "asdf".

I also tried switching the project to resolve tenants based on the URL and this always resulted in logging in as the Host as well.

I am able to change tenants when I run the same Docker images in Docker on my local machine WITHOUT an Nginx Proxy, so I believe it is some sort of Nginx Proxy configuration problem.

Here is my site configuration for Angular:

location / {

Here is my site configuration for the Host:

location / {

location /signalr {

    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";

I guess I'd like to know if you know what I am missing.


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    maliming created
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    same issue: