I have a local pc and a microsoft action pack subscription which authenticates to Azure. I mention this because there is no local db 'sa' account; only my azure account is the instance admin.
I have downloaded the 4.0.2 Jquery demo and with no code changes, I cannot get the Admin account to login; i get the message : {"result":null,"targetUrl":"/Account/ResetPassword?UserId=1&ResetCode=FDBDA86D21&ReturnUrl=%2FApp","success":true,"error":null,"unAuthorizedRequest":false,"__abp":true}
i have tried various combinations including allocating a 'sa' account and making it apart of the dbowner. Any assistance is appreciated.
2 Answer(s)
navigate to root directory of *.Web.Mvc project and run npm run create-bundles command
Before running the project, we need to run a npm task to bundle and minify the CSS and JavaScript files. In order to do that, we can open a command prompt, navigate to root directory of *.Web.Mvc project and run npm run create-bundles command. This command should be run when a new npm package is being added to the solution. Or you can just build your solution and all bundles will be updated automatically.
This worked OK. thanks.