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Functionality Question : What can I do with Organization Unit #6278

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jptremblay created

Hi everyone,

For my team and I, this ia our first project with ASPNET CORE ZERO and boiletplate ;

we have a very begineer question ;

we look at the documentation and we cant figure out what is the purpose or the organisation unit

Its possible to create node and hiearchy and assign user to it

the documentation talk about entity and user, but we dont see our entity listed in the ui interface as admin

is anyone have a real life purpose for the OU? what did really do with it ?

thanks for your help

2 Answer(s)
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    alper created
    Support Team


    it's for grouping an entity hierarchically.
    IMustHaveOrganizationUnit interface defines OrganizationUnitId.
    When you set this field, you assign a record to an organization unit.
    You can think it as a way of data isolation in a tenant.
    If you have a requirement like you have a record that must be visible to only a department then you can use Organization Unit.
    There's a page called Organization Unit to create, delete your organizations.
    Also you can add/remove members to your organization units from that page.
    When you create a record that implements IMustHaveOrganizationUnit you have to set the OrganizationUnitId manually.
    And when you get it from database you have to add manually OrganizationUnitId filter to your query.

    You can see how it works:

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    jptremblay created

    Got it now :)

    its more clear now
