Hi, I have a problem with exception handling sometimes i need to disable javascript error exception handling. For ex. I send some ajax request to another server and i don't have any control on return values so in the return json there is no "success" property. As a result it displays me modal which has error. How i can disable this? Any solution for that?
3 Answer(s)
You can directly use $.ajax, instead of abp.ajax (which handles exceptions). I suggest this.
But, normally ABP understand if there is no success property and calls your done handler (see <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/blob/master/src/Abp.Web.Resources/Abp/Framework/scripts/libs/abp.jquery.js#L71">https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/as ... ery.js#L71</a>). Are you sure that it's not working?
Hi, I don't have the path ~/Abp/Framework/scripts/libs/abp.jquery.js
Instead of that i have /Abp/Framework/scripts/libs/angularjs/abp.ng.js and it has this method
handleResponse: function (response, defer) { var originalData = response.data;
if (originalData.success === true) { response.data = originalData.result; defer.resolve(response); if (originalData.targetUrl) { abp.ng.http.handleTargetUrl(originalData.targetUrl); } } else if(originalData.success === false) { var messagePromise = null; if (originalData.error) { messagePromise = abp.ng.http.showError(originalData.error); } else { originalData.error = defaultError; } abp.ng.http.logError(originalData.error); response.data = originalData.error; defer.reject(response); if (originalData.unAuthorizedRequest) { abp.ng.http.handleUnAuthorizedRequest(messagePromise, originalData.targetUrl); } } }
This happens when we use ng-file-upload plugin. When you cancel the upload it triggers the modal.
Hello, Sorry my bad about ~/Abp/Framework/scripts/libs/abp.jquery.js it is over there but when i add break point, it doesn't get in to the break point instead of that it enters the breakpoint that i have put to abp.ng.js it just enters this function 'responseError': function (ngError) { var error = { message: ngError.data, details: ngError.statusText, responseError: true }
abp.ng.http.showError(error); abp.ng.http.logError(error); return $q.reject(ngError); }