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Build failed when re-generating an entity if changed the menu position of the entity ”Country“ from ”Root“ to ”Administration“ using RAD Tool V1.8.0 for Angular v6.6.1 #6498

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limingjun2018 created

Build failed when changing the menu position of the entity ”Country“ from ”Root“ to ”Administration“.png

First, I generated an entity "Country" successfully.

But then I found its menu position was wrongly set to "Root", so I decided to change it from "Root" to "Administrator".

Therefore, I re-generate this entity, but it build failed.

1 Answer(s)
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    yekalkan created

    If you build the solution, you will notice that previously generated code is still exist and causes bug in several places (ex: AppPermissions). Also somewhere in Angular side. You need to remove them.

    If you would like to know why rad tool doesn't does that by itself:

    Because removing code is much less reliable work than generating. Also, if generated code is modified, rad tool can not determinate which lines to remove.

    1-) We could disable changing menu in UI while regenerating. Then you have to do all the work.
    2-) We would allow you to change menu in UI, even though there will be errors in your project. But this way, tool will generate the new code and you will just remove the old one.

    We choose the second option.