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Dropdown not displaying #659

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bspann created


I have a modal view that I want to display for creating a new record. On the modal window, I need to have three dropdown's for the user to pick a value. So I the records coming from the database with the following code:

output.HighSchools = await _highSchoolRepository
.OrderBy(hs => hs.Name)
.Select(hs => new ComboboxItemDto()
Value = hs.Id.ToString(),
DisplayText = hs.Name,
//IsSelected = output.Prospect.HighSchool.Name == hs.Name

When the modal form shows, I can see the label but the dropdown is not displayed. When I look at the Modal form with the browser's developer tools I can see the <select> tag is being written out with <input>'s for the values from the database. The dropdown's are not being displayed.

<div class="form-group form-md-line-input">
<label for="HighSchoolEdit">[HighSchool]</label>
<select name="HighSchoolEdit" class="form-control selectpicker edited" id="HighSchoolEdit" aria-required="true" required="True" data-live-search="true">
<option value="1">East St. John</option>
<option value="2">St. Stevens</option>

What is going on?

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