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Power tools crashes Visual Studio when updating an entity property in the latest version #6645

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SBJ created

Hi Volosoft,

This morning I downloaded the latest Visual Studio update (version 15.9.9). When editing one of my Entities I noticed that using the Power Tools caused Visual Studio to crash when updating one of the entity's attributes.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Download an unmodified Asp.Net Zero repository for Asp.Net Core + Angular (Angular not included in Asp.Net Core Solution)
  • Use Asp.Net Zero Power Tools to Create Entity with a single property (turned off adding and applying database migration for convenience)
  • Use Asp.Net Zero Power Tools to Regenerate Entity, and select the entity just created.
  • Update the property of the entity, for example by renaming it.
  • When you close the update property popup window, Visual Studio crashes and reboots. (note that this is before I get to push the generate button)

The installed Power Tools extension has version

For the time being I get around the issue by deleting the original entity and all code generated and creating fresh entities instead of regenerating them. (we are setting up a new project).

Kind regards, Roel van Happen

1 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    yekalkan created

    Thanks you. It will be fixed immediately.