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removing feature from edition: permissions do not get cleaned up #6686

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alexanderpilhar created

6.8.0, Angular, .NET Framework

I have some permissions that have a feature-dependency (meaning the permissions are only available when the feature they depend on is enabled). When I remove a feature from an edition I would expect all permissions for all users and roles of all tenants that are assigned to the specific edition to be cleaned up. But this is not the case. I think, this is not the correct behaviour, right!?

Although, it might come in handy when romving a feature by accident - because then you just need to add the feature again and everything is fine.

4 Answer(s)
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    aaron created
    Support Team

    It is correct. Feature dependency means feature will be checked.

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    alexanderpilhar created

    @aaron I get that. But when removing a feature from an edition or a tenant, permissions that have a dependency on removed feature remain granted for users. To me, this doesn't seem to be correct.

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    aaron created
    Support Team

    Why doesn't it seem to be correct? permissionChecker.IsGranted(permissionName) will be false.

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    alexanderpilhar created

    Okay then! Thank your for clarification @aaron!