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Open Closed problem 6.8.0 #6737

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BobIngham created

Following an upgrade from 5.4.1 to 6.8.0 I am getting the dreaded error

Property 'tz' does not exist on type 'typeof moment'.

in AppPreBootstrap.ts.

My package.json reads:

    "moment": "^2.24.0",
    "moment-timezone": "^0.5.23",

My angular.json reads:


I have googled the forum where I found this:
and the github pages where I found this:
I have tried downgrading moment to 2.19.2 as per the above post but to no avail.
Any ideas anyone?

2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    BobIngham created

    Just in case anyone gets this problem here's the answer....
    Delete node_modules, upgrade to angular-cli 7.3.7, yarn 1.15.2, node 10.15.3. Reboot. Go for cigarette. Compile and start.
    Now I have this problem:

    Could not find localization source: AbpWeb

    as reported in the browser, any ideas anyone?

  • User Avatar
    BobIngham created

    A bed merge in the Core.csproj file, incorrect version of the TimeZoneConverter file.
    The process continues, sorry all if you took any time at all on this.