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Organizational Unit - IMayHaveOrganization #679

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maharatha created

My project has the requirement where one single user can be associated with multiple companies. This is taken care by AspnetZero. I think it would be useful if we have the following items implemented as well :

  1. Setting a default Organization to an user
  2. Associating that Organization when the user logs in. Presently a user when logs in is not associated with any organization
  3. Allowing an user to switch organization

When we add or do any activity the system automatically updates the TenantID in DB , but I don't see any such provision for Organization, probably for the lack of above implementation.

2 Answer(s)
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    hikalkan created
    Support Team


    Organizations are different than MultiTenancy. I could not figure out where and when to automatically update Organization units of a user. I read your requirements. They can be implemented for your own application. Should they be in AspNet Zero as default? I'm not sure yet. I noted it to think later.

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    maharatha created

    Thank You for the response. Yes if OU are extended more in ASPNET Zero I am sure it would be helpful for everyone in the community.