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Update BootStrap or how to add col-xl and col-xxl sizes? #682

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alukaszewski created

Hi, How can I update the bootstrap components within my ASPNETZero project to latest pre-release version? Do I just use "Install-Package bootstrap -Pre" or will that not work? I am finding that the standard col size classes are far too outdated and dashboard starts to look silly with large portlets on high resolution displays (Most people have 1920x1080p monitors and even Surface Pro has 2560 width!). 4K screens are now appearing on a few people desks, which have 3000+ resolution!

I tried adding the BootStrapXL.css and although I can reference the col-xl- classes in code, metronic/aspnetzero does not seem to create portlets that work, for instance in xl mode (>1600) each portlet was set to col-xl-2 but they still appear as col-lg-3.

Do you have advice or perhaps customisation for adding xl and xxl col size classes? (xl I think should be >1600 and xxl should be >2500).

1 Answer(s)
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    hikalkan created
    Support Team

    Bootstrap is not installed via nuget. It's in the libs\bootstrap folder. You can manually download and replate it. But.. bootstrap 4 may have many breaking changes that may cause such problems, I don't know it fully now. Can you ask it to Metronic forum: <a class="postlink" href=""></a>