I recently purchased aspnet zero and had seen in the documents a way to integrate with paypal for what I thought was user subscriptions. Is that not the case? Has anyone integrated a user subscription service to a single tenant site?
7 Answer(s)
Hi @JasonC
Both PayPal and Stire integrations work for Tenant subscriptions. AspNet Zero doesn't support user subscriptions by default.
But, you can tihnk Tenants as users and use the subscription system in that way. A single admin user will be created for each Tenant when they subscribe to an edition.
Hummm not really what we are looking for. This is access to one site and depending on what role a users is in they will see certain information that that role has access to. I imagine it would involve extending the user class with some subscription info and adding a page linked to paypal to buy subscription to the site. If anyone has done this before please message me to save some time (and earn some money).
Hi @JasonC
Actually AspNet Zero's (and ABP Framework's) subscription system is based on Editions. So, tenants can subscribe to editions.
Of course, you can disable multi tenancy, extend user entity with some extra fields and implement user subscription system but AspNet Zero doesn't provide any pre-built functionality for that.
Ok but just so I understand tenants correctly, it would be the tenant admin subscribing to an edition not all the individual users. Correct?
Hi, just to proivde more clarifications, tenant subscription applies to all the users in the same tenant.
if you want to restrict functionalities on specific users within the same tenant , you should use permissions to achieve it.
Thanks. I do see that. So I currently have it set up for no multi tenants and have set up roles (I think that is what you mean by permissions) with access to certain pages on the site. I then will need to add a way for users to subscribe to these different roles. That is the piece I thought was already built in but I guess not.
Yes, unfortunately it is not. You have to do that by yourself. You can take a look at the parts we have done for Tenant subscription functionality.