I added below statement to enable the attribute routing in startup.cs class, but it is not working. is there anything i need to add in Configuration in ABP freamwor?
6 Answer(s)
How are you specifying attribute routing?
just added the below Route in action
hi @instaemi Can you provide steps to reproduce the problem?
If you want to use it on application service, it is not supported for attribute routing.
see https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/issues/3770
My applcation is ASP.NET Zero MVC core web application . solution is xxx.xxx.Web.MVC
I have added app.UseMvc(); in startup.cs class and then added the below routing attribute to action method in control to return the Model and view.
[Route("UserData")] public IActionResult UserPersonal() {
} when i run the application the action is not finding . not sure ASP.NET Zero MVC core support attribute routing or not
I can't seem to reproduce your problem. Can you use the Demo project to reproduce and share it?