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V7 Metronic 6 - Datepicker formatting issue #7301

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exlnt created

I'm working on the upgrade of my solution to V7 and Metronic 6 UI. I am making the CSS class name changes and other Metronic 6 related changes. One issue that I cannot seem to fix is the visual appearance of the date pickers, see example below.

No matter what I do, even if I copy the code directly from the "DemoUIComponents" cshtml file it just will not display properly. I have even copied the HTML and JS code directly from the Metronic 6 demo site and same issue persists!

I am using the "datetimepicker" plugin. Example code shown below.

    format: "L",
    maxDate: end,
    minDate: start

Any help you can provide here would be much appreciated!

1 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    exlnt created

    I found the solution. I just noticed that ABP team has added a custom CSS class for the date-time-picker in __Bundles/demo-ui-components.cs, specifically in DemoDateAndTimePickers.css

    I added the below line into my modals CSHTML and issue was resolved.

    <link rel="stylesheet" abp-href="/view-resources/Areas/MyApp/Views/_Bundles/demo-ui-components.css" asp-append-version="true" />