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Manual control of UnitOfWork with NServiceBus #743

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byteplatz created

Hello Halil,

First of all, sorry for the long post, but Im stuck with this.

Im trying to use Abp infrastructure inside a NServiceBus Endpoint and I am having problems with unitofwork.

NServiceBus handle its own transaction and unitofwork when consuming a message and invoking a given handler. (<a class="postlink" href=""> ... it-of-work</a>)

Inside this handler I am injecting few repositories. Think the Handler as more like a appservice triggered by a message received.

The problem is I cant get control over Abp unitofwork to be able to complete the transaction only after nservicebus has finished working with the message.

The approaches suggested in documentation (<a class="postlink" href=""> ... it-Of-Work</a>) did not work for this specific case.

I really need your help to move forward.

This is the handler code which is instantiated by NServiceBus when a new message is received:

public class CreditGenerationApprovalHandler : IHandleMessages<ApproveCreditGeneration>
        public IBus Bus { get; set; }

        public IRepository<Credit, Guid> CreditRepository { get; set; }

        public void Handle(ApproveCreditGeneration message)
            Credit credit = CreditRepository.Get(message.CreditId.Value);

            Bus.Publish<CreditGenerationApproved>(evt =>
                evt.CreditId = credit.Id;
                evt.CreditValue = credit.Value;

I have integrated the IoC and bootstrapped Abp like this (this is called by NServiceBus upon initialization):

public class AbpBootstrap : INeedInitialization
        public void Customize(BusConfiguration configuration)
            // Initialize Abp infrastructure
            var bootstrapper = new AbpBootstrapper();
            bootstrapper.IocManager.IocContainer.AddFacility<LoggingFacility>(f => f.UseLog4Net().WithConfig(ITSConsts.Log4NetConfigFile));

NServiceBus IoC is using Abp Windsor:

// Retrieves current IocContainer from Abp
var container = IocManager.Instance.IocContainer;

// Configure Container into NServiceBus
configuration.UseContainer<WindsorBuilder>(c => c.ExistingContainer(container));

If I don't configure anything, the transaction is aborted at the following method (which is what the documentation states, the method is atomic, it completes the transaction right after its execution):

Credit credit = CreditRepository.Get(message.CreditId.Value);

I cannot work that way because I need to perform other tarnsactional operations like Bus.Publish (MSMQ transactional queue).

If I decorate the Handle method with [UnitOfWork] the handler is not able to call it (can't figure why).

Another approach I have tried is using the IManageUnitsOfWork control for NServiceBus (which I believe I should disable Unitofwork at the handle method) and let NSB control it like :

public class EfUnitOfWorkManager : IManageUnitsOfWork, INeedInitialization
        public ILogger Logger { get; set; }

        public IUnitOfWorkManager UowManager { get; set; }

        private IUnitOfWorkCompleteHandle _unitOfWork;

        public void Customize(BusConfiguration configuration)
            configuration.RegisterComponents(config =>

        public void Begin()
            Logger.Debug("NsbUnitOfWorkManager started.");
            _unitOfWork = UowManager.Begin();

        public void End(Exception ex = null)
            if (ex == null)
                Logger.Debug("NsbUnitOfWorkManager completed.");
                Logger.Error("NsbUnitOfWorkManager failed.", ex);

Are there any possibilities to disable the commit trnsaction and let me do it manually like mentioned above at the End method called by NServiceBus ?

Many thanks in advance


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