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SignalR integration #7546

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[email protected] created

Hi, a few questions about SignalR integration. I have a setup with two Roles interacting, similar to Sellers and Buyers. I built a MarketPlaceHub based on the ChatHub in the Angular + Core template. The idea is that when seller performs and action, an action is executed for all online buyers. I'm stuck on testing the communication between the two roles, as the IOnlineClientManager seems to only ever have the one logged in user. I'm currently running in debug mode, and logging in as a Client via Angular, and then loggin in as a Buyer via Swagger and trying to mimic the action of two users logged in and interacting.

Is there a better way that you can suggest, or am I missing a step in registering logged in users in the OnlineClientManager? Also, is there an tutorial or example of implimenting push notification other then the Abp docs? I would like to see a simple hub implimentation that adheres to the current Zero dev standards, and the Chat function seems to have a lot of logic that is bejond somthing ans simple and forcing a component reload based on a button click by another user?

Thanx in advance! Riaan

3 Answer(s)
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    ryancyq created
    Support Team

    Hi, Swagger Ui login does not have SignalR chat feature, you can try to login the buyer and seller accounts on different browsers to similate the chat scenario.

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    Homam created


    I have the same problem, why the user cannot see a notofication pushed when he or she was offline?

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    ryancyq created
    Support Team

    Hi, are you asking about retrying publishing notification when an offline user came online?

    When a user disconnect the connection signalr, notification will not be send to the user until a new connection is established with singalr again.