I would like to add a property to the returned json when a userfriendlyexception is thrown.
I would like to add an exception code as my api will be consumed by 3rd parties. Could you please let me know what i have to do? Ive looked all over but cant find a similar thread.
5 Answer(s)
Added Code property to UserFriendlyException:
<a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/issues/848">https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/as ... issues/848</a>
It's automatically sent to the client. -
If i understood correctly you have added this functionality, i need to pull and compile the code? which dll do i need to change from my code? i presume it wont be available on nuget?
It will be available on nuget with v0.8 release in a short time.
Thanks you so much for this addition, and for the speed of adding it!! Could you please tell me how long you think this would be? Im contemplating on building and using the dll, but i would like to leave everything under nuget as much as possible.
I'm working to relase it in this week.