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Download Collected Data - not working on Azure published site #7655

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adudley created


Could you help with this, when this is running locally (Asp net zero, version 7.0 Angular) all works.

But when published to Azure app service, it dosn't work.

What it does is generate the notification, but the download of the zip file is a 404.

any help appreciated.


5 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    FVDH created

    Hi adudley,

    Are you able to view the latests log in the webpage?
    Can you tell me how you published the app to Azure?

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    alper created
    Support Team

    maybe Azure Appservice doesn't have permission to write to the local directory.
    by default Azure runs apps in a zip file and doesn't allow to use local computer to write files.

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    adudley created

    It works fine on the host side but when logged in as a tenant it gives 404.

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    FVDH created

    I just tested it in our app which is also published on Azure and the download functionality works fine for both host and tenant.

    Can you try it with another user or another tenant? Maybe it's related to the exported data.
    Please search the logs for some exceptions to get some more details about the problem.

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    adudley created

    The system was not picking the tenant id when downloading was performed from tenant side.