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Duplicate child objects created when references are added #773

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acrigney created

Am getting a strange issue of duplicates of my child objects getting created when I add references to these child objects in a collection. i.e When I add mobile applications to my endUser.MobileApplications I am seeing copies of my MobileApplications being created in the database. As I am only loading the MobileApplication it should not create a copy??

public async Task<long> PostNewEndUserAsync(AddEndUserInput input) { try { Logger.Debug("Adding a new end InviteUser async: " + input.Surname);

            EndUser newEndUser = Mapper.Map&lt;EndUser&gt;(input);

            newEndUser.EndUserSecurityQuestionCode = -1;
            newEndUser.AcceptedTermsAndConditions = input.AcceptedTermsAndConditions;

            if (input.MobileApplications == null)
                // Add the mobile app

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(input.ApplicationName))
                    // if none is specified use the DefaultRegistrationApplicationName 
                    input.ApplicationName = ConfigurationFacade.DefaultRegistrationApplicationName;
                List&lt;MobileApplication&gt; mobileApplications = _mobileApplicationRepository.GetAllList(x => x.Name == input.ApplicationName);

                MobileApplication mobileApplication = mobileApplications.FirstOrDefault();

                if (mobileApplication == null)
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Mobile application {0} was not found to register the end user for.", input.ApplicationName));

               **foreach (MobileApplicationDto mobileApplication in input.MobileApplications)
            long id = await _endUserRepository.InsertAndGetIdAsync(newEndUser);
            return (id);
        catch (Exception ex)
            string msg = ex.GetBaseException().Message;
            UserFriendlyException userFriendlyException = new UserFriendlyException(msg);
            throw userFriendlyException;

2 Answer(s)
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    hikalkan created
    Support Team


    Probably, AutoMapper creates newEndUser.MobileApplications collection from input.MobileApplications in this mapping line:

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    acrigney created

    Awesome yes thanks mate Automapper is the problem! I am using ignore for the mobile applications as I thought that was safer coding,

    However even when I change automapper to map from the input, which has the correct loaded values (not new values), it still wants to add them. So I just put a work around for now till I can find whats wrong to clear the collection before I add the specified child values in.

    Mapper.CreateMap<AddEndUserInput, EndUser>() .ForMember(x => x.Id, option => option.Ignore()) .ForMember(x => x.Patients, option => option.Ignore()) .ForMember(x => x.MobileApplications, option => option.Ignore()); //.ForMember(dest => dest.MobileApplications, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.MobileApplications));

    public async Task<long> PostNewEndUserAsync(AddEndUserInput input) { try { Logger.Debug("Adding a new end InviteUser async: " + input.Surname);

                EndUser newEndUser = Mapper.Map&lt;EndUser&gt;(input);
                newEndUser.EndUserSecurityQuestionCode = -1;
                newEndUser.AcceptedTermsAndConditions = input.AcceptedTermsAndConditions;
                //// dummy code to get the mobile apps
                //    GetApplicationsInput getApplicationsInput = new GetApplicationsInput() { Name = null };
                //    var result = await _mobileApplicationRepository.GetMobileApplicationAsync&lt;MobileApplicationDto&gt;(getApplicationsInput);
                //    //var mobileApp = result.MobileApplications[0];
                //    input.MobileApplications = result.MobileApplications;
                if (input.MobileApplications == null)
                    // Add the mobile app
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(input.ApplicationName))
                        // if none is specified use the DefaultRegistrationApplicationName 
                        input.ApplicationName = ConfigurationFacade.DefaultRegistrationApplicationName;
                    List&lt;MobileApplication&gt; mobileApplications = _mobileApplicationRepository.GetAllList(x => x.Name == input.ApplicationName);
                    MobileApplication mobileApplication = mobileApplications.FirstOrDefault();
                    if (mobileApplication == null)
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Mobile application {0} was not found to register the end user for.", input.ApplicationName));
                    **if (newEndUser.MobileApplications != null)
                    foreach (MobileApplicationDto mobileApplication in input.MobileApplications)
                long id = await _endUserRepository.InsertAndGetIdAsync(newEndUser);
                return (id);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = ex.GetBaseException().Message;
                UserFriendlyException userFriendlyException = new UserFriendlyException(msg);
                throw userFriendlyException;