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Automatic log out #780

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elmogallen created

I've noticed that if I leave an zero page open for awhile, then come back to it, the page won't work. Anything that tries to access data fails. I get errors like "Input null" and so on. Refreshing the page makes everything work again.

How can I either:

  1. Prevent this from happening? (What exactly is timing out?)
  2. Automatically log the user out after x minutes of inactivity.

Thank you, Dave

1 Answer(s)
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    hikalkan created
    Support Team


    1. This is probably due of ASP.NET's standard session timeout. You can create a 'keep session on' mechanism to prevent it or make session longer.
    2. This is a general purpose concept. You can make it in the client side by some javascript code (and setTimeout). There are some solutions on the web when you search it.

    Have a nice day.