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AuditingInterceptor logs ReturnValue when running Unit Tests but does not when calling from Angular Front-End or Swagger #7914

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OriAssurant created

Hi Abp Zero Support,

Our project is Angular 8 + Core 2. I turned on Configuration.Auditing.SaveReturnValues = true; in ProjectCoreModule.PreInitialize().

And here are all customization I've done, in which ILoggedServices is an interface to turn on custom logging for some domain services.

Configuration.ReplaceService<IAuditingHelper, AuditingHelperExtension>();
Configuration.Auditing.IsEnabledForAnonymousUsers = true;
Configuration.Auditing.SaveReturnValues = true;
    new NamedTypeSelector(
        type => typeof(ILoggedServices).IsAssignableFrom(type)

Btw, I added some custom interceptors as well:


Then I ran unit tests, and saw Return Values are properly logged. But when I ran from swagger or frontend, Return Values are always null. Do I miss anything?

Thank you,

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