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Getting error on first build #828

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Qloud created


I am facing issue on build project. I just download code from [])

Then got error on first build. Can you please look on it on attached error image.

Awaiting for your response.


6 Answer(s)
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    hikalkan created
    Support Team


    Can you try to create your project from <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

    We will check the Github problem soon. Follow the issue: <a class="postlink" href=""></a>


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    Qloud created

    <cite>hikalkan: </cite>

    Can you try to create your project from <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

    We will check the Github problem soon. Follow the issue: <a class="postlink" href=""></a>


    Hello Hikalkan,

    Thanks for your quick response.

    Yeah created from your link. its working fine.

    Can you please share with me some idea or forum link for adding custom field in database and show in grid. Because there is lots of file exactly i don't know which files I need to change.


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    Qloud created

    Hello Hikalkan,

    I am waiting for your valuable response.

    Basically I have three questions for you.

    1. How difficult to extend zero with custom field/property? So for that can you please share some idea for forum link about add one custom field in user table or any table and display in the grid?

    2. How difficult to extend zero with custom tables? So for that can you please share some idea for forum link about add one custom table and display in the site.

    3. I have seen in the references there is some DLL. Name started from "Abp". So I just want to know if we developed our project using your framework. And because of those DLL we don't have full control of code. So its look like we depend on your added DLLs. Please advice on same

    Note: Yesterday you provide download project link. Its angularJs? If yes then can you please give me source link for MVC only.

    Awaiting for your response.


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    hikalkan created
    Support Team


    1. It's very easy:

    • Add your property to User entity

    • Add same property to UserListDto (if you want to show on the grid). It will be auto-mapped.

    • Define grid column in the User page.

    • If you want to edit this column while creating/editing user, you can add a new form field to user create/edit modal, change editing DTO and update code.

    But this is not special to users. Once you understand the relation between entity, dto, application services and UI layer, you can do everything. I suggest you to read this document to understand their relation: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... y-Step-MPA</a>

    1. It's very easy. We created step by step document to demonstrate it: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... y-Step-MPA</a> This document adds new entities (tables), dtos, services, UI...

    2. AspNet Zero uses ABP framework. That's why we have dependencies to Abp.* packages. ABP is open source (<a class="postlink" href=""> ... master/src</a>), if you want you can get source code from Github and include into your solution. But we definetely do not suggest it. Because ABP is constantly being improved. If you get current source code, you can not get updates anymore. So, depending on a nuget package is very normal in .NET. Beside Abp, we have many dependencies (entity framework, mvc, automapper and so on. see full list: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... frameworks</a>)

    Yesterday's link contains Angular and MVC. See Getting Started document (<a class="postlink" href=""></a>) to learn how to switch from Angular to MVC.

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    Qloud created

    Hello Hikalkan,

    Thanks for your quick and helpful response.

    1. It's very easy:

    • Add your property to User entity

    • Add same property to UserListDto (if you want to show on the grid). It will be auto-mapped.

    • Define grid column in the User page.

    • If you want to edit this column while creating/editing user, you can add a new form field to user create/edit modal, change editing DTO and update code.

    But this is not special to users. Once you understand the relation between entity, dto, application services and UI layer, you can do everything. I suggest you to read this document to understand their relation: <a class="postlink" href=""></a> ... y-Step-MPA

    I have added phoneNo field in User entity and UserListDto as per your suggestion. Then i have create field in database using add-migration command. by the way field added successfully. Now i have added code for display phone no field value in grid in index.js of angular code but data is not displaying :(

    Then i've convert to MPA application and put same change in index.js file for MPA. But here also result is same display is column but data is not showing. May i know is there any step is missing.

    Below is code that i've added Index.Js file.

    Angular.js (User)

                            name: app.localize('Phone'),
                            field: 'Phone',
                            minWidth: 100

    MVC (User)

    Phone: {
                        title: app.localize('Phone'),
                        width: '15%'

    Is there anything need to change in ABP project? I have just used DLL. I didn't download ABP code and didn't added in my project solution.

    And I am little bit confuse about your mvc version. Basically when we are working on mvc then we are binding model in controller and then passing data from controller to view. But here you guys are using services in direct JS file like >var _userService =;
    May know what is the difference between normal MVC concept and yours?

    Awaiting for your response.


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    hikalkan created
    Support Team


    We created a tutorial for it: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... g-Entities</a>
    This document step by step demonstrates it.

    And I am little bit confuse about your mvc version. Basically when we are working on mvc then we are binding model in controller and then passing data from controller to view...

    This is true for non-ajax client requests. But, if we just request a JSON data using AJAX, there is no view in that case.

    We use dynamic web api to use application services directly from javascript. See docs: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ic-Web-API</a>