Would like to 'auto-navigate' to a detail page if only one result from the AppService is returned per Filter criteria. (no sense in user having to click the only result in the Datatables.net grid) For example, I have a page with a DataTables.Net result grid and some Filters. I type something in one of the filters such that only one result shows up in the DataTables.Net result grid. The user should not have to then click that result to navigate to the details page (not using Modal here). Instead, I would prefer that the user was sent directly to the detail page for that result. Would this be accomplished somehow by inspecting the result that is returned to the js file using JQuery? How is that done?
1 Answer(s)
Sorry for our late reply. You can check the returned list count and redirect to a new page by setting
. If you couldn't manage to do it, could you share your code ?