Asp.Net Core / Angular When I run Rad Tool using templates created using 8.1 project in a new 8.2.1 project the lookup components for NavigationProperties are not created. Did something change in the Rad Tool?
{ "IsRegenerate": true, "MenuPosition": "main", "RelativeNamespace": "Brewery", "EntityName": "Device", "EntityNamePlural": "Devices", "TableName": "AiotDevices", "PrimaryKeyType": "int", "BaseClass": "FullAuditedEntity", "EntityHistory": false, "AutoMigration": false, "UpdateDatabase": false, "CreateUserInterface": true, "CreateViewOnly": true, "CreateExcelExport": true, "PagePermission": { "Host": true, "Tenant": true }, "Properties": [ { "Name": "Mac", "Type": "string", "MaxLength": -1, "MinLength": -1, "Range": { "IsRangeSet": false, "MinimumValue": 0, "MaximumValue": 0 }, "Required": false, "Nullable": false, "Regex": "", "UserInterface": { "AdvancedFilter": true, "List": true, "CreateOrUpdate": true } } ], "NavigationProperties": [ { "Namespace": "Aiotco.Brewery", "ForeignEntityName": "DeviceType", "IdType": "int", "IsNullable": false, "PropertyName": "DeviceTypeId", "DisplayPropertyName": "DeviceTypeName", "DuplicationNumber": 0, "RelationType": "single" } ], "EnumDefinitions": [] }
3 Answer(s)
Any updates?
Confirmed. I'm running RAD Tool in MVC/Jquery project and having the same issue. A coworker of mine is using the RAD tool on the same project and is not having this issue. Could be something with the environment?
It is fixed and relased. Can you please check that again?