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How to use IIocResolver to resolve app service in controller #866

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winson created

I want to create the multiple pages project and not use angular script, so I want to call the app service directly in my controller, but I tried many ways and still failed, after I read the Dependency Injection , seems there is a way to resolve the service directly, but I still failed, below is my code:

app service:

private readonly IFormBuilderRepository _formBuilderRepository;

        public FormBuilderAppService(IFormBuilderRepository formBuilderRepository)
            _formBuilderRepository = formBuilderRepository;

in controller:

private readonly IIocResolver _iocResolver;

        public FormBuilderController(IIocResolver iocResolver)
            _iocResolver = iocResolver;

and in the action:

        public JsonResult Index(FormBuilderInput formBuilder)
            var _formBuilderAppService = _iocResolver.Resolve<IFormBuilderAppService>();

            return Json(new { Name = formBuilder.Name });

after run these code, I got the below error:

ABP The entity type FormBuilderModel is not part of the model for the current context.

I have no ideas :(

1 Answer(s)
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    winson created

    ok, I have resolved my problem, it's spend me a whole day, it maybe because my entity model name is not same with the database table name, when I drop the table and run update-database again, the problem is solved :(