paul lee created
Hi All,
I am following BackgroundJobAndNotificationDemo from Abp.Samples to try to get this document generation background job working.
I have a BackgroundJob defined as follows and following the sample project, this class lives in the Core module:
public class ExcelGenerationJob : BackgroundJob, ITransientDependency
// Some other code....
public ExcelGenerationJob()
LocalizationSourceName = ProjectConsts.LocalizationSourceName;
// However, I get whatever string I passed to L() back here
public void ComposeAdText()
var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
// Here in the Log I always see AdTextLine1 being attached to the log line...
Logger.Debug("Localizing AdTextLine1 - " + stringBuilder.ToString());
I tried to debug a bit and see that base.LocalizationManager.GetAllSources().Count is always 0.
So what's the proper way to initialize Localization to get this working?
3 Answer(s)
Are your localization XML files in the Core project?
Yes, both classes are in the Core project. The same setup as one of your wonderful samples. However, I can't get it to work.
I did not undestand the reason. You can create issue for it on Github and I will try to add localization to background job sample.