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LocalizableString is NOT implemented ILocalizableString #944

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hole7 created


I'm confusing about LocalizableString class, that, why it's not implemented interface ILocalizableString?

Because, we're using ILocalizableString to define on setting for localization but when I'd like to get back the value I cannot use GetString of ILocalizationManager because it just accepts a parameter with type LocalizableString.

Please see image in attached.

Ho Le

3 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    hikalkan created
    Support Team


    See localization document: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... DocGetText</a>
    Localization manager also gets string arguments, rather than ILocalizableString.

  • User Avatar
    hole7 created

    Hi hikalkan,

    For getting by string, I know how to do that but in my case I'm having a ILocalizableString object (which is DisplayName of notification definition) and I want to get back the localization string before sending back to client :)

    By the way, I had solution, I injected ILocalizationContext and then use Localize extension


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    hikalkan created
    Support Team

    That's the right way :)