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EFPlus BulkDelete and other features to extend the IRepository Interface #9514

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rajamannar created

ASP.NET Zero uses EFPlus Community version. We want the BulkDelete and other features to extend the IRepository Interface . How can I do it ?

1 Answer(s)
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    zony created
    Support Team

    Currently, the Batach Delete method is provided in AbpEntityFrameworkCoreEfPlusExtensions. If you want to extend it yourself, you can refer to the code of AbpEntityFrameworkCoreEfPlusExtensions.cs.

    If you want to integrate EFPlus Enterprise Edition, you can get DbContext in the Repository. Refer to how to use EFPlus: e.g.

    // Easy to use
    // Easy to customize
    context.BulkSynchronize(customers, options => {
        options.ColumnPrimaryKeyExpression = customer => customer.Code;