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Error while generating entity framework scripts #9553

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rajalla created


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Error While setting up the devops CI/CD as per the instructions provided in step Generate Migration Scripts.


2020-08-25T14:39:27.2517773Z ##[section]Starting: Generate Migration Scripts
2020-08-25T14:39:27.2683784Z ==============================================================================
2020-08-25T14:39:27.2685642Z Task : Entity Framework Core Migrations Script Generator
2020-08-25T14:39:27.2686465Z Description : Tool for projects that use Entity Framework Core Code-First. Generates migration scripts which can be used to update a database (for instance with the task 'Azure SQL Database Deployment').
2020-08-25T14:39:27.2687131Z Version : 0.0.51
2020-08-25T14:39:27.2687471Z Author : PEK's Productions
2020-08-25T14:39:27.2687951Z Help : More Information
2020-08-25T14:39:27.2688473Z ==============================================================================
2020-08-25T14:39:28.0313933Z Project path: D:\a\1\s\src\ProjectDemo.EntityFrameworkCore\ProjectDemo.EntityFrameworkCore.csproj
2020-08-25T14:39:28.0315403Z Start-up project path: D:\a\1\s\src\MidocsDemo.Web.Mvc\ProjectDemo.Web.Mvc.csproj
2020-08-25T14:39:28.0316394Z Target folder: D:\a\1\a/migrations
2020-08-25T14:39:28.0317108Z Number of database contexts: 1
2020-08-25T14:39:28.0317812Z Checking of dotnet-ef is installed.
2020-08-25T14:39:28.0432560Z [command]"C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe" tool list --global
2020-08-25T14:39:28.2692979Z Package Id Version Commands
2020-08-25T14:39:28.2697579Z -------------------------------------
2020-08-25T14:39:28.2956875Z Parsing output: "Package Id Version Commands
2020-08-25T14:39:28.2958025Z -------------------------------------
2020-08-25T14:39:28.2958746Z "
2020-08-25T14:39:28.2959501Z Installing version undefined of dotnet-ef as global tool.
2020-08-25T14:39:28.3065144Z [command]"C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe" tool install --global dotnet-ef
2020-08-25T14:39:31.0032882Z You can invoke the tool using the following command: dotnet-ef
2020-08-25T14:39:31.0034693Z Tool 'dotnet-ef' (version '3.1.7') was successfully installed.
2020-08-25T14:39:31.0203731Z Generating migration script for ProjectDemoDbContext in project D:\a\1\s\src\ProjectDemo.EntityFrameworkCore\MidocsDemo.EntityFrameworkCore.csproj
2020-08-25T14:39:31.0283497Z Default build configuration will be used.
2020-08-25T14:39:31.0284876Z The script will be idempotent.
2020-08-25T14:39:31.0303863Z [command]"C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe" ef migrations script --project D:\a\1\s\src\ProjectDemo.EntityFrameworkCore\ProjectDemo.EntityFrameworkCore.csproj --startup-project D:\a\1\s\src\ProjectDemo.Web.Mvc\ProjectDemo.Web.Mvc.csproj --output D:\a\1\a/migrations/ProjectDemoDbContext.sql --context ProjectDemoDbContext --verbose --idempotent
2020-08-25T14:39:31.2083218Z Specify which project file to use because this 'D:\a\1\s' contains more than one project file.
2020-08-25T14:39:31.2267953Z ##[error]The process 'C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe' failed with exit code 1
2020-08-25T14:39:31.2336884Z ##[section]Finishing: Generate Migration Scripts

2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    rajalla created

    Was able to fix it by setting Working directory under advanced options in Generate Migrations Script.

  • User Avatar
    dev1_premierpoint created

    I just got this error too and it ended up consuming about 8 hours of time until I somehow stumbled across this closed question via a google search.

    The answer above is the solution - add the value "src" in the Working Directory field in the Advanced section of the Generate Migration Scripts Task:


    It would be nice if Volosoft added this as a tip to this page of the documentation: