Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "Bernard"


I'm trying OpenIconnect services but got this issue :


"OpenId": { "IsEnabled": "true", "Authority": "{tenant}/v2.0", "ClientId": "XXXXXXXX", "ClientSecret": "XXXXXXXX, "ValidateIssuer": "false", "ResponseType": "code", "ClaimsMapping": [ { "claim": "", "key": "" } ]

i change also this method ` public virtual string GetUserNameFromClaims(List

  var emailClaim = claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "unique_name");
  if (emailClaim != null)
      return emailClaim.Value.ToMd5();

  emailClaim = claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.Email);

  if (emailClaim != null)
      return emailClaim.Value;

      //return claims.First(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.Email)?.Value;


  throw new UserFriendlyException($"Both unique_name and {ClaimTypes.Email} claims are missing!");

}` Thks for help



Is it possible to display a dynamic entity properties, in a view and how please ? The objective being to dynamically display the position and the dynamic field in a view




How can i start WEB.MVC project with a landing / public html page and Login with Menu like :

I change these lines in HomeController (Web.Mvc)

to get Is it the good pratice ?




is it possible to allow tenants using Stripe for their own customers?

Thanks for your help


Hi Can I add more visual settings choices and add a new template? And how can I update the metronic 8 template it seems not be the last Thks


after installing elsa 2, I have an issue in Usermanager the
InitializeOptionsAsync(int? tenantId) method failed



Hi, Configureelsa not found

Using elsa v2.14.1 on Web.Mvc project


I wanted to know if you knew if it is possible to integrate Elsa 2 with our own interface and form

the idea is to allow each tenant to inject parameters into workflows already created

thanks in advance


Hi, I am not sure about the domain name parameter for sending emails, is the configuration below correct because it does not work


Could you tell me please why the nested file min.js is ignored for git :

The problem is when i modified this file it won't upload in Azure devops Repository and i must copy/paste always the main js file into the min.js to make everything work . It seems that the min.js file are called first Should I change git parameters on these files for integrate when sending in azure devops repository? Thks

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