Could you tell me please why the nested file min.js is ignored for git :
The problem is when i modified this file it won't upload in Azure devops Repository and i must copy/paste always the main js file into the min.js to make everything work . It seems that the min.js file are called first Should I change git parameters on these files for integrate when sending in azure devops repository? Thks
I tried multiple different options to refresh a master Datatable from index.js child in abp.event.on after getting the child Datatable reloaded I added a Master.datatable.ajax.reload() line I works one time and after I got an issue in console like ao.columns… error
Can you try your side please perhaps a dom problem Should I add prefix window.
I would like to call an entity based on the Id value of another. For example: to create a quote, I need a Person entity of type Company "Amazon", once this company is selected I would like to be able to access a loopup control which will look for a Person entity of type Physical "Jeff Bezos" , the link is made via a ParentId The second combo (child) should be available only after selecting the first (parent). I hope to have been clear
Thank you so much
` [AbpAuthorize(AppPermissions.Pages_Conventions)] public async Task<PagedResultDto
var totalCount = await query.CountAsync();
var personList = await query
var lookupTableDtoList = new List<ConventionPersonLookupTableDto>();
foreach (var person in personList)
lookupTableDtoList.Add(new ConventionPersonLookupTableDto
Id = person.Id,
DisplayName = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", person.Intitule, person.CodePostal, person.Ville)
return new PagedResultDto<ConventionPersonLookupTableDto>(
} `
I wanted to know if the method below was correct and corresponded to the right way to do things given the framework : I have to update an entity named "Conventions" after adding a row of the "LigneConvention" entity in order to make the total on a field called TotalHT and update it in the Convention table
Here is the code :
` public virtual async Task CreateOrEdit(CreateOrEditLigneConventionDto input) {
if (input.Id == null)
input.Intitule = input.FormationDisplayProperty;
await Create(input);
//Update Convention values
var totalHTLg = _ligneConventionRepository.GetAll().Where(x => x.ConventionId == input.ConventionId).Sum(x => x.TotalHT);
var conventionToUpdate = await _lookup_conventionRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync((int)input.ConventionId);
conventionToUpdate.TotalHT = totalHTLg + input.TotalHT;
await _lookup_conventionRepository.UpdateAsync(conventionToUpdate);
await Update(input);
//Update Convention values
var ligneconvention = await _ligneConventionRepository.GetAllListAsync();
var totalHTlg=ligneconvention.Where(x => x.ConventionId == input.ConventionId).Sum(x => x.TotalHT);
var conventionToUpdate = await _lookup_conventionRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync((int)input.ConventionId);
conventionToUpdate.TotalHT = totalHTlg;
await _lookup_conventionRepository.UpdateAsync(conventionToUpdate);
Upon publication a webconfig file is created but overwrites the old one in which I added parameters how to avoid this file being overwritten because there are none in the project
<add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModuleV2" resourceType="Unspecified" />
<aspNetCore processPath="dotnet" arguments=".\ERUDY.Web.Mvc.dll" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" hostingModel="inprocess" />
Hi I’m wondering how refresh master Datatable when save data from detail modal view The detail Datatable is refreshed but I want display total amount from detail rows in master
Thanks for your help