Hi @ismcagdas, Postman gives far more analysis and offers the ability to build and share collections. It's not a show-stopper, just that a hell of a lot of people work with postman and I thought the added functionality would be a simple win in terms of adding functionality.
We want a blog... We want to share code... When do we want it? Now!
@ismcagdas, @alper - thanks both. I will investigate @alper's solution in a little more depth, the less I have to work with third party components the better!
@ismcagdas, agreed. This is one of those "PWA", "GDPR" subjects. Probably needs a lot of discussion and it's also a substantial body of work. I don't think it should be forgotten, though!
@ryancyq, done. I tend not to use the github site unless absolutely essential. My thoughts are that it should be for issues, not feature requests. And certainly not for help which, sadly, it is used far too frequently for. There are too many issues on github and the guys at Volosoft must struggle to deal with the weight of them. But that's a whole different discussion!!!!
@ismcagdas, That's some discussion you must be having. It's nearly six months since this thread promised movement on a fuller feature set of subscriptions! Any update?
Hi @ajayak, I think I see the problem but I can't comment without seeing your code. You shouldn't need the timer at all, I think you're mixing implementations of Zero's background workers and Hangfire when you really only need one or the other. Can you show me the code where you are referring to Timer.Period and I will try advise accordingly.
@ajayak, Hope this helps. This definition will run at midnight, first day of the month.
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<InvoiceBackgroundWorker>(job => job.Start(), "0 0 1 * *");
I'm sure it will be fired by server time and not by system time and therefore Timer.Period should be irrelevant. That's why clocks go back and forward at 02:00 and not 01:00!!!! If you have a system which has several timezones then it's another matter altogether, you will need a job to run at the offset between server time and UTC to run each hour and process data for each timezone in the system. Good luck with that if that's what you have to do. I once worked on a global betting system which had to do something similar!
@ismcagdas - thanks for the reply. This ended up a re-install of Windows. I believe that Windows defender was blocking compiles and additions to node_modules folders . I added folder exceptions but I think all files were being locked and checked before being passed. I switched off Defender and the problem was lessened but there was still something not quite right. I decided to go for the nuclear option having lost two days work! Thanks for the interest and the input.