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@virghy - an invite to the team has been sent to your email address. This is tehy first time we have created a public repo so don't expect anything too professional but your feedback would be very welcome.

@virghy - my Azure guys are back on Monday. I'll ask them how best to give you access to this repository. I will definitely need your email, preferable one which already exists in Azure AD (i.e. an Office account?).


@musa - thanks. I don't want to change the source so I'll run with what we have and put a request into github for the backlog.


Sorry guys - this is not an issue for sweet alter, my bad. It's an issue forpush.js, the small messages to the bottom right of the page. Is there any way I can get them to stack on top of each other going up the page so more than one is visible?

Hi @demirmursa,

There is no problem with this.OnlineClientManager.GetAllClients(), it works perfectly. Thanks for the links, I was able to build an OnlineDeviceStore and OnlineDeviceManager along with all the supporting code (and there's a lot of it) to implement something similar for online devices. That now allows me track devices connected to the system using IP addresses, geolocation and user information. Thanks a lot!

Glad to be of help.

Perfect, thanks so much for your help. You learn something new about Zero every day!

Hi @ismcagdas, sure, thanks for helping. The user registers a device by entering the tenancyName in an app. I have a DeviceRegistrationManager.RegisterDevice method which is passed details about the new device such as model, manufacturer, serial number etc. So, the key code is here:

var model = ObjectMapper.Map<NcDevice>(input);
model.TenantId = tenant.Id;
deviceId = await _deviceRepository.InsertAndGetIdAsync(model);

var notificationData = new LocalizableMessageNotificationData(
    new LocalizableString(
_notificationPublisher.Publish(AppNotificationNames.NewDeviceRegistered, notificationData, severity: NotificationSeverity.Info);

The localisation string for NewDeviceRegisteredNotificationDefinition is:

<text name="NewDeviceRegisteredNotificationDefinition">New device registered, please authorise.</text>

What I woud like to say in the notification is "A new device has been registered; device id {Id}, ({Samsung}, {A790F}, {aaappp0001117777333}) please authorise".

Sorry, @ismcagdas - I can't see how to do that. Where do I put the string.Format to inject a device model and manufacturer?

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