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Activities of "BobIngham"

Where is the log file in the .Net Core/Angular project? log4net.config points to App_Data/Logs/Logs.txt but I can find no such folder or file. When I intentionally throw an error on the server the following is returned to the client.

    code: 0,
    message: "An internal error occurred during your request!",
    details: null,
    validationErrors: null

My only option seems to be to write try-catch blocks but how do I find exceptions after deployment? I have tried setting the level to ALL in log4net.config but I am still only able to capture errors through try-catch and have no log file to refer to. Help would be most appreciated.

Version 5.0.4, Asp.Net Core & Angular. I have followed the instructions for step-by-step development at <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ep-Angular</a>. I have refactored over the past week and documented the procedure to work with database-first procedures and separate components for create/edit/list in accordance with company standards. Having refactored the system works perfectly. However, when I come to run tests with multi-tenancy set to true I am getting the error message "Message: Abp.AbpException : Can not set TenantId to 0 for IMustHaveTenant entities!". My test code:

        public async Task Should_Create_ActionType_With_Valid_Arguments()
            await _actionTypeService.CreateActionType(
                new CreateActionTypeInput
                    Name = "Metrics",
                    Description = "A category for measured inputs such as weight, blood pressure, fluid intake etc."

                context =>
                    var metrics = context.ActionTypes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Description == "A category for measured inputs such as weight, blood pressure, fluid intake etc.");

I have read carefully the post on testing ABP at <a class="postlink" href=""> ... y-Framewor</a> and have also debugged the test and stepped through AppTestBase but can still not find why the test is not implementing the default TenantId (1). Help anyone?

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