I created an importer based on users but I realized that having an excel with thousands of records, the import takes a long time. Is there any way to import in blocks?
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after renaming all files from my solution, including file names and file content the ASP.NET Zero Power Tool stop working but no error occurs (neither in the logs nor in the event viewer) - the solution works fine it's just the tool that does not work. I changed all references from "CruzVermelha" to "AbbVie" including all config files from folder AspNetZeroRadTool - i've already tried uninstall and install the tool back again. It works if i don't rename and it works also in other projects. The logs when does not work are the same (the window opens and close and no files are generated besides the config file inside folder AspNetZeroRadTool): DEBUG 2020-12-04 11:45:35,166 [1 ] lVisualStudioExtension.AspNetZeroRadTool - Menu item clicked with params > loadFromJson: False, loadFromDatabase: False, showAboutForm: False DEBUG 2020-12-04 11:46:00,323 [1 ] dioExtension.Dialogs.EntityGeneratorForm - Generate entity started. DEBUG 2020-12-04 11:46:14,164 [1 ] dioExtension.Dialogs.EntityGeneratorForm - Entity successfully generated. DEBUG 2020-12-04 11:46:33,438 [1 ] lVisualStudioExtension.AspNetZeroRadTool - Menu item clicked with params > loadFromJson: False, loadFromDatabase: False, showAboutForm: True
best regards, Dirceu
Is it possible to have translation files independent of each tenant?
Best regards, André Silva
i'm using ASP.NET Zero (with .NET Core 3.1 and Angular 9). In the AbpAuditLogs table, i changed the size of the Parameters field from nvarchar (1024) to nvarchar (max), however service requests continue to be cut at position 1024 - example: {"input":{"memId":"001000012600","product":1,"state":2,"paymentMethod":1,"paymentMethodChanged":false,"referenceEntity":null,"amount":90.00,"dueDate":null,"payday":"2020-08-17T00:00:00+00:00","invoiceNumber":"JMS|FT|2020|63","invoiceDate":null,"invoiceDocType":"application/pdf","invoiceDocName":"JMS_FT_2020_63.pdf","invoiceDocContent":"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...
What needs to be changed in addition to the table, in order to be able to save service requests with more than 1024 characters?
best regards, Dirceu
What is the best practice to implement 4 public data record pages without having to have a dummy user on the angular?
Best regards, André Silva