Hi, Not able to route between cshtml pages within the same Dashboard Tab both having same permissions. I tried to put an url for my page in the app.js as well with same permission and Also added a value in the Navigations- PageName class. But its not working
if (abp.auth.hasPermission('Pages.Tenant.Dashboard')) { $urlRouterProvider.otherwise("/tenant/dashboard"); //Entrance page for a tenant $stateProvider.state('tenant.dashboard', { url: '/dashboard', templateUrl: '~/App/tenant/views/dashboard/index.cshtml' }); }
if (abp.auth.hasPermission('Pages.Tenant.Dashboard')) {
$urlRouterProvider.otherwise("/tenant/isvalidsim"); //Entrance page for a tenant
$stateProvider.state('tenant.isvalidsim', {
url: '/isvalimsim',
templateUrl: '~/App/tenant/views/dashboard/isvalidsim.cshtml'
This is going to be similar to a partial page ajax rendering . Can you please send me a sample code i can look at ? Also is there a reason why you are using angularjs version 1.6.6 and not angular version 4 and above on the mvc-angularjs project.
I am trying to implement my own AbpUser and AbpUserBase classes instead of using one of the Abp's. I am creating the same classes(AbpUser ,AbpUserBase ) in my application as I need to customize it as per my requirement for User.cs class which implements AbpUser<User>.
But I came across this issue across multiple classes that passes <User> like for example:
public class RoleManager : AbpRoleManager<Role, User>
public RoleManager(
RoleStore store,
IPermissionManager permissionManager,
IRoleManagementConfig roleManagementConfig,
ICacheManager cacheManager,
IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager)
: base(
I am getting errors like
The type 'Project.project.Authorisations.Users.User' cannot be used as a Type parameter 'TUser' in the generic type or method AbpRoleManager<Role, User>. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'Project.project.Authorisations.Users.User' to 'Abp.Authorisation.Users.AbpUser<Project.project.Authorisations.Users.User>'.
How to resolve this issue?
I am consuming a WCF Service in .Application project. To achieve the same, I have specified system.serviceModel configuration in app.config(.Application project) and Web.config(.Web project)
Now, I want to remove the syste.serviceModel from the config and be able to derive endpoint from the database leveraging settings.
I did the following:
After making these changes, I am getting the below error:
Could not find default endpoint element that references contract 'UserService.IOktaService' in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be because no configuration file was found for your application, or because no endpoint element matching this contract could be found in the client element.
Is there something I am missing? Please point me in the right direction.
How can we achieve User Groups (OU?) with scope only within the group? For example:
Tenant 1
(Store#2) - User 3
(Store#3) - User 3
We would like to have Store#2, Store#3 be within the same scope (Group?), without sharing information (data) with Store#1.
After observing the behavior of OU's, it is a logical grouping but not scoped w/Privacy.
For a tenancy I created, I updated the password complexity settings from Security tab in Administration section. But it does not seem to make a difference, when I create a new user with invalid password.
Is there anything else I need to change?
I want to seed some tenant related data when a Tenant is created.
This is where I think I should seed data : protected override void Seed(EntityFramework.MajesticDbContext context) { context.DisableAllFilters();
context.EntityChangeEventHelper = NullEntityChangeEventHelper.Instance;
context.EventBus = NullEventBus.Instance;
if (Tenant == null)
//Host seed
new InitialHostDbBuilder(context).Create();
//Default tenant seed (in host database).
new DefaultTenantBuilder(context).Create();
new TenantRoleAndUserBuilder(context, 1).Create();
else { //You can add seed for tenant databases using Tenant property... new InitialPeopleCreator(context).Create(); }
I need to call this class InitialPeopleCreator.cs in the else block, but this part of code is never called? How do I do this?
How can we expire a user's session while he is already in session and on the other end admin set his status to inactive?
I have the following classes and I am trying to implement Dependency Injection into calling a WCF Service. IUserProxyService : IApplicationService
CreateUser(User user)
UserProxyService : IUserProxyService
private IUserRepository repository;
public UserProxyService()
public UserProxyService(IUserRepository _repository)
repository = _repository;
UserRepository : IUserRepository
public UserRepository()
proxy = new WCFServiceClient();
//for mocking
public UserRepository(IWCFService_proxy)
proxy = _proxy;
CreateUser(User user)
{ proxy.CreateUser();}
Now, in UserAppService class in Authorisation.User(Application project). I am adding IUserProxyService as an additional parameter to my constructor. So that I can use that object to make createuser calls.
However, after doing this, when I load the Users section on the web application I am getting a javascript error:
_Header.js:74 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'app' of undefined at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (_Header.js:74) at i (jquery.min.js:2) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js:2) at Function.ready (jquery.min.js:2) at HTMLDocument.K (jquery.min.js:2)
In Header.js: //Manage linked accounts var _userLinkService = abp.services.app.userLink; - erroring line
What am I doing wrong? Can you guide me in the right direction?
I am noticing that it takes upwards of 1 min to load all of the symbols and libraries needed on the MVC + Angular app. (Downloaded in the past month, in terms of version)
Is that standard behavior?