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Activities of "QuickApp"


When I try the file as above, the user information is incorrect because the tenantId value is not gone.

Thank you for answer @ismcagdas

Sorry, I missed a parameter.It was fixed by doing the following.

new AppMenuItem('QTranslations', 'Pages.QTranslations', 'flaticon-list-1', '/app/main/qTranslate', undefined, undefined, undefined, null, () => { return this._featureCheckerService.isEnabled('App.MultiLanguageSupportFeature'); }),

Hi @ismcagdas, I tried as follows, but users without features can also see this menu. Where am I doing wrong? new AppMenuItem('QTranslations', 'Pages.QTranslations', 'flaticon-list-1', '/app/main/qTranslate', undefined, undefined, undefined, () => { return this._featureCheckerService.isEnabled('App.MultiLanguageSupportFeature'); }),

Thank you for your help @ismcagdas

Which page should I add the setTimeOut parameter to?

Thanks @ismcagdas

I have two tables named QWorkspace and QWorkspaceGroup. And there is a foreignkey link between these two tables. (QWorkSpace (Id) ->QWorkSpaceGroup (QWorkSpaceId)

I'm pulling a record from the table with the code below.

QWorkSpace qWorkSpace = await _qWorkSpaceRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync(e => e.Id == input.QWorkSpaceId);

When I call the table as qWorkSpace.QWorkspaceGroup, it is null.

Thanks, problem solved.

Hi @ismcagdas,

Thanks for your answers. I need some more information about this problem.

  1. Does AbpZeroTemplateJwtSecurityTokenHandler.cs runs on all request? Especially I wonder if it is run when getting Refresh Token, Because I need deactivated tenants or users not be able to get AccessToken after being deactivated?
  2. Where is the best place to add token to cache?
Showing 11 to 20 of 22 entries