Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "SRTMDEV"


It will be good for everyone if ASPNETZERO provide the third party licence notice, which also need to updated from yourside wheneever new libraries added/removed and the last update date.

This is aspnetcore provide the third party notice,



Can we get all the third party libraries used in aspnet-core like you provide for angular?


Hi, ANZ Team,

I would like to create api to get list of all the jobs with current tenant login where job should only in list if that run for the current tenant . I want to fetch that list in angular side via api and display the status of job and job History. I am able to add tenantId in job by setjobparameter in hangfire with filtercontext.

How can I achive this goal with Hangfire or BackgroundJobManager? Any suggestion? Or any example with tenant filtered background Job.


Product Version: 8.6.0 Product Type: anuglar Prodcut Framework: .net core

What I am trying to achieve? I should be able to apply any origin CORS policy to some AppServiceController.

I create another CORS policy and trying to apply it to AppServiceController in** CompanyName.Application** project with Attribute [EnableCors("AllowAll")] however its not working. When i try same Attribute on HomeController on CompanyNameWeb.Host project it working.

What could be issue with AppServiceController? How can i achive my goal?

Below are the CORS policy

Below way i temporary achieve my goal,


Hi, i already try with applying to AppService Implementation, however it still not working


Hi, any update on this context?

Hi, any update on this context?

Hi, any update on this context?

Hello Team,

Currently we are looking for technical documenation integration in application. Is there any functionality avaiable in ASP.NETZero platform that we can integeration or if we are go with third-party like "Madcap Flare" or "Help+Manual" is there any limitaion which can't not work with platform.


Hello Team,

I would like to create one Auzre Function and want to execute one API from Azure Function. Now once Azure Function job has been finished I want to store data to database by calling API which I is runinng in Azure VM. Now I need your help on right approch. Is it right way to pass authorization token from API server to Azure Function and same token will be use from Azure Function to API server? Any other right approch are welcome.


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