Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ShaneFryer4184"

Hi, the new Metronic template version 8 uses a new tag <app-keenicon> which is not recognised in the latest version of ASP.NET Zero, despite it saying that version 8 is supported. Can you describe how these tags can be supported in ASP NET Zero so that content from the Metronic templates can be more easily used?

Hi, I recently restarted my PC and tried running my project again and when I login to the application it just redirects back to the login. If I deliberately put in the incorrect password it does show the message box that the password is incorrect, but when I put in the correct credentials it starts to redirect and then it just goes back to the login with no error shown.

Not sure if it is realted but I have seen in the login attempts table that the login was successful (Result = 1) but the ClientIpAddress is not showing correctly, it is showing as ::1. Not sure the 2 things are related but all previous logins are show an IP address, it is just now that this does not seem to be working.

Anyone come across this issue previously?

Hi, is there a way that a user can be assigned to multiple tenants so that they can switch between tenants? Also, is there any limit to the nubmer of tenants; perforamnce issues over a certain number, etc.?

Hi, I am currently developing an application that requries a public website in addition to the application. The intention is to create a "public" user and create a "public" role that is assigned privileges to certain pages that will only be used for the public website. When a user comes to the website they will be automatically logged on using the public user, and therefore we can use all existing layouts and functionality of ASPN0 without having to have a separate website.

Some concerns I have with this approach are:

  1. Security - does this approach expose any security vulnerabilities; the user will be assigned a "public" role and limited privileges in the application to only view pages that are intended to be public;
  2. Performance - obviously there will be overheads to logging in automatically; do you think this will be significant with more traffic over time?
  3. Experience - currently the experience is showing the login screen very briefly before logging the user in; are there any other ways to log the user in without showing the screen (even for a split second).

Appreciate people's ideas on this approach to the public webiste, rather than maintaining a separate website which the look and feel may be different and difficult to keep aligned.


Hi, I would like to include a Wiki (similar to this into my application. Has anyone done this (or similar) in the past and can you advise how it could be done?

As a suggestion to Volosoft it may be worth having this as a feature whereby Wiki's can be added for the overall system and for each tenant, which can then be used to capture information relatant to the application, etc.


Hi, is there any reason that LinkedIn authentication is not included? If not is there a plan to implement this within the template?

My code is running fine on local. Even the swagger apis are running fine. I have hosted the code on azure, there somehow it is not working. I am getting the following error. I am not able to understand what is causing it, as it is the first time I have got this error in 3 months. I have also added the IP in firewall of azure sql server.

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ion/GetAll</a>. (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing).

Please help.

I have created many modules in zero with Angular 4 & .net core. Now to have backup, I archived the solution & cloned code into new repository. I changed the database name & then did Update-database which created a new db. But now I have created new class, for which I deleted old migrations & did Add-Migration. But getting the following error : "An error occurred while calling method 'ConfigureServices' on startup class 'Startup'. Consider using IDbContextFactory to override the initialization of the DbContext at design-time." I tried many options seeing net, but there is not much help. Can you help plz ?

I have Ngx bootstrap datepicker in my solution. It has a bug of not auto closing when you click outside. I was trying to solve that issue and updated the ngx bootstrap version in package json from 1.6.6 to 1.9.1.

But things didn't work so I tried to revert it back. But now I am getting build errors more than 110.

They are all coming from a custom pipe filter which I never touched.

Looks like the configuration went wrong and its not able to build the Angular 4 UI solution.

I cleared the node modules folder and again did npm install, but no luck

Can you help ?

My client wants to add a field in abp.notification table where I can mark the notification as pinned to stay at the top. But the class comes from metadata which I cant change.

My client also wants to migrate your timezone to a different place.

So we have lot of requirements where we need to change the native structure.

Is there a way where we can change the definition of tables created by you?

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