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We are going to upgrade aspnetzero version from 10.3.0 to 10.4.0 From your doc you guys mentioned under Existing Projects
Create an empty project from AspNet Zero website using your existing project name but select the version when you started development for your project. If you don't remember the initial AspNet Zero version you have started your project, you can check [*.Core/AppVersionHelper.cs].
I am little confused in above bold statement I think, that should be the new version which we are going to upgrade which should be 10.4.0 in our case. This would go under aspnetzero branch Our dev and aspnetzero branch would be same but migrade branch would conains our existing 10.3.0 version Then we can follow the step as per your doc Switch to dev branch and update it from migrate branch. In this step, you will face conflicts. You have to resolve those conflicts manually.
Organization Unit Roles Problem: The user roles inherited by organization units together with those roles assigned directly to the users. We would like to leave the user with their roles assigned independently. But when we add a user to an OU (Organization Units) it inherits the roles automatically that assign to OU. However, the following steps led to me to this behavior: